For many years CRS-i is involved in optimzing body repair (processes).
CRS-i was from 2014 up to 2017 Nitrothermspray distributor. As a distributor, CRS-i gained a lot of experience. As a new development CRS-i has developed TEQ-Spray.
With TEQ-Spray all configurations are made possible, due to TEQ-Sprays modular technology. Extensions are very affordable. As a result an extreme ROI is feasable.
CRS-i contributes to the optimization of automotive body repair. Whether it concerns bodyshop optimization or job routing concepts, CRS-i provides a solution for each requirement. In case standard solutions are not available in the free market, CRS-i will investigate the possibilities for development. In most cases, the products will be developed own-handed. At a later stage, products might be given to third parties for production and/or CRS-i will do so itself.